
Beiträge: 282
Registriert: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 02:16


Beitragvon Yukterez » Mo 13. Jul 2020, 16:50


Stackexchange has been taken over by woke moderators (some of them made their reputation in fields like movies, music or similar consoomer topics), they already started to edit trans pronouns into my postings (next thing they'll do is probably to spam Rainbow, Israel and Ukraine flags into your avatar and decide that the term black hole is racist & buttphobic). Therefore my postings that I made there have been archived here to save them from vandalism:

by Simon Tyran, Vienna @ youtube || rumble || odysee || twitter || wikipedia || stackexchange || License: CC-BY 4 ▣ If images don't load: [ctrl]+[F5]Bild

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Do 16. Jul 2020, 09:09

Re: SJW-exchange

Beitragvon username1 » Do 16. Jul 2020, 09:15

Seems a bit of an overreaction. Singular they has been in usage just about as long (since c. 14th century) as plural they (c. 13th century), but I've never seen anyone refuse to use the latter as a "genderqueer" term.

Beiträge: 282
Registriert: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 02:16

Re: SJW-exchange

Beitragvon Yukterez » Fr 17. Jul 2020, 17:40

Bild username1 hat geschrieben:Seems a bit of an overreaction. Singular they has been in usage just about as long (since c. 14th century) as plural they (c. 13th century), but I've never seen anyone refuse to use the latter as a "genderqueer" term.

In this scenario we had two astronauts, "they" was already reserved for the statements about both. In the statements about one of them "they" is misleading, the edited text now reads as if it had been written by someone with a degree in gender studies. My astronauts are neither medieval nobles nor are they nonbinary SJWs; also the code of conduct does not require the usage of medieval or genderfluid pronouns (and we both know it's not the medieval nobles who are offended if they see someone with normal pronouns) for oneself or the protagonists in one's stories, only to adress other users with their prefered pronouns, which might be relevant in chat but not in real postings. After my ban is lifted I will try to replace the "they" pronouns with the "fleurbeau" pronoun, because when it rains it pours.
by Simon Tyran, Vienna @ youtube || rumble || odysee || twitter || wikipedia || stackexchange || License: CC-BY 4 ▣ If images don't load: [ctrl]+[F5]Bild

Beiträge: 282
Registriert: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 02:16

Re: SJW-exchange

Beitragvon Yukterez » Fr 17. Jul 2020, 18:10

Bild Yukterez hat geschrieben:After the backup is complete I will delete my postings at Stackexchange

Stackexchange obviously doesn't know that a platform lives from new posting, not from old ones, so instead of giving me a reason to write new postings on their platform they rather fight to keep my old posting against my will: Screenshot - a bad deal, since my new postings are much better than my old ones.
by Simon Tyran, Vienna @ youtube || rumble || odysee || twitter || wikipedia || stackexchange || License: CC-BY 4 ▣ If images don't load: [ctrl]+[F5]Bild

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Do 16. Jul 2020, 09:09

Re: SJW-exchange

Beitragvon username1 » Fr 17. Jul 2020, 22:44

Medieval pronouns? Singular "they" has been in constant usage since then. Generic "he" became more common at some point, but singular "they" never went away. That makes it "medieval" in the same way that "he" and "she" are medieval. It's simply a way to refer to someone when their gender is unknown or unspecified.

Anyway, have fun with your petty internet vandalism. I am jealous of the free time you have on your hands.

Beiträge: 282
Registriert: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 02:16

Re: SJW-exchange

Beitragvon Yukterez » Sa 18. Jul 2020, 16:08

Bild NPC1 hat geschrieben:It's simply a way to refer to someone when their gender is unknown or unspecified.

The gender of the two astronauts in my story that started this whole shit is neither unknown nor unspecified. I also wrote:

Bild Yukterez hat geschrieben:"They" was already reserved for the statements about both. In the statements about one of them "they" is misleading

Your argument has hereby been refuted.

Bild NPC1 hat geschrieben:Singular "they" has been in constant usage since then. Generic "he" became more common at some point, but singular "they" never went away.

by Simon Tyran, Vienna @ youtube || rumble || odysee || twitter || wikipedia || stackexchange || License: CC-BY 4 ▣ If images don't load: [ctrl]+[F5]Bild

Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Di 21. Jul 2020, 22:33

Re: SJW-exchange

Beitragvon username2 » Di 21. Jul 2020, 22:36

dipshit hat geschrieben:herp derp I'm so cool I has admin powerz

Sorry, I wouldn't have posted here in the first place if I had been aware you were three years old.

Beiträge: 282
Registriert: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 02:16

Re: SJW-exchange

Beitragvon Yukterez » Di 21. Jul 2020, 23:39

Bild NPC2 hat geschrieben:Sorry, I wouldn't have posted here in the first place if I had been aware you were three years old.

Doesn't look like it, otherwise you wouldn't have registered a 2nd time just to say that (: By the way, if you register with a throw away email adress you have no one to blame but yourself if you can't restore your password, I just had to change it in order to give you a proper avatar since you failed to choose one for yourself.

And to make everything abound you use a VPN to hide your identity, which tells me that you are ashamed of who you are. That proves that you are a dubious user, and possibly even a troll or some punk who wants to take revenge for a defeat suffered elsewhere. So if you can't stand behind what you write, maybe that's the real reason why you shouldn't have posted here in the first place.

Also note that this is not a forum, I just use forum software because it's easier to update and edit my own postings at, but that doesn't mean that every idiot is entitled to write here. Your postings have to be either good of funny, and you have to use a real email when you register, otherwise you won't be able to retrieve your password after it is changed or forgotten. However, since you have been funny so far and to avoid having you registering a third time, your new password is the obscene fake email adress that you used to register, in case you can still remember it.
by Simon Tyran, Vienna @ youtube || rumble || odysee || twitter || wikipedia || stackexchange || License: CC-BY 4 ▣ If images don't load: [ctrl]+[F5]Bild

Beiträge: 282
Registriert: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 02:16


Beitragvon Yukterez » Mo 8. Nov 2021, 19:20

After a year I could not resist to clarify a topic on Stackexchange again, but it will be hard for the leftist moderators (if they are still there) to genderswap any pronouns in my new posting. In case they still do I will still backup my postings with and list them here, but it would be unjust to punish those who look for answers about physics by leaving them in the dark just because they posted their question in the wrong forum.
by Simon Tyran, Vienna @ youtube || rumble || odysee || twitter || wikipedia || stackexchange || License: CC-BY 4 ▣ If images don't load: [ctrl]+[F5]Bild

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