Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer
- Fr 17. Jul 2020, 22:44
- Forum: Testbereich
- Thema: SJW-exchange
- Antworten: 8
- Zugriffe: 90328
Re: SJW-exchange
Medieval pronouns? Singular "they" has been in constant usage since then. Generic "he" became more common at some point, but singular "they" never went away. That makes it "medieval" in the same way that "he" and "she" are medieval. It's si...
- Do 16. Jul 2020, 09:15
- Forum: Testbereich
- Thema: SJW-exchange
- Antworten: 8
- Zugriffe: 90328
Re: SJW-exchange
Seems a bit of an overreaction. Singular they has been in usage just about as long (since c. 14th century) as plural they (c. 13th century), but I've never seen anyone refuse to use the latter as a "genderqueer" term.